ISSN: 1446-7887, EISSN: 1446-8107
(formerly: Series A — Pure Mathematics and Statistics)
The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society is now published and distributed by Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Please access their site (e.g. by clicking the cover image at right) for subscription information and costs for issues dated from 2008, and all back issues (scanned, with OCR) from 1959 onwards.
Prior to 2008 it was available in both print and electronic forms.
Furthermore, in support of the moving wall concept, issues that are more than 5 years old are freely available without subscription.
Information for Authors
Founded in 1959 by T. G. Room, FRS, the Journal is the original organ of the Australian Mathematical Society, and is well established in its coverage of all areas of pure mathematics and mathematical statistics.
It seeks to publish original, high-quality articles of wide interest and moderate length (typically 15 – 35 pages). Papers are carefully reviewed, and those with good introductions explaining the context, meaning and value of the results are preferred. Please minimize the number of courtesy citations, including only those of specific relevance. Only papers that respect these guidelines will be considered for publication.
Submitting authors are encouraged to write a cover letter indicating the paper’s main contribution and results likely to be cited. To make submissions easier to read and understand, we also encourage authors to consult the the style suggestions for authors.
About the Editors
The Editor-in-Chief of the Journal is Jon Berrick with James McCoy as Deputy Editor. Contact them regarding all policy matters:
The editor-in-chief makes decisions concerning the publication of papers based on reports from referees and advice from associate editors.