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Who We Are

Who We Are

The Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS) is the national society of the mathematics profession in Australia.

Founded in 1956, our mission is the promotion and extension of mathematical knowledge and its applications. We represent all professional mathematicians in Australia, both pure and applied.

The special interests of applied mathematicians are represented by a division of AustMS, ANZIAM (Australia and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics). Those of mathematical physicists are represented by the Society’s other division, ANZAMP (Australian and New Zealand Association of Mathematical Physics). The Society cooperates with a number of related organisations.

Images provided by workshop organisers Summer School 2020
Images provided by workshop organisers Math Thinking
Images provided by workshop organisers Summer School 2020
Images provided by workshop organisers Math Thinking


The Australian Mathematical Society is governed by its Council and managed by its office bearers. We operate under the AustMS constitution and our Code of Conduct which articulates standards of good conduct expected of our members.

The Society has two Divisions

  • ANZIAM (Australia and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics), and
  • ANZAMP (Australian and New Zealand Association of Mathematical Physics),

a student association AAMS (Association of Australian Mathematics Students), and several Special Interest Groups.

Society Office and Administrators:
Ms May Truong
Mr Michael Foo
Department of Mathematics
Mathematical Sciences Institute
Building #145, Science Road
Australian National University
ACT 2601, Australia.

Phone: (02) 6125 8922
Fax: (02) 6125 8923
Email: Office@austms.org.au

Image supplied by Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute.

Our People

Jessica Purcell

President of the AustMS

Deborah C. Jackson

Secretary of the AustMS

Lilia Ferrario

Treasurer of the AustMS

Finnur Lárusson

Vice President of the AustMS

Aidan Sims

Incoming President of the AustMS