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Image supplied by Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute.

Our Mission

We promote the mathematical sciences and their applications in Australia.

We represent mathematics, and the interests of mathematics-related professions, to the Australian community and government.

We commit to diversity, access and equity in all our programs and our advocacy.

Our activities reflect the wide-ranging interests of our membership.

Our Values

Respect, dignity, honesty and integrity.

Freedom of participation, intellectual pursuit, discourse, and expression, within the bounds of the law and the values of respect, dignity, honesty and integrity.

Equitable and merit-based award, reward, and recognition.

Equality of opportunity regardless of age, race, nationality, gender identity, sexuality, religion, disability, ethnicity, marital status, political affiliation, or culture.

Image supplied by Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute.

Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is intended to establish the standards of good conduct that are expected of all Society Members, and detail procedures for reviewing alleged failures to meet these standards and determining the consequences of any such infringements. Adherence to this code is a requirement of AustMS membership and also of participation in AustMS-sponsored events.