AustMS is committed to supporting and improving mathematics education
The Society has a Vice-President (Learning and Teaching), a Standing Committee on Mathematics Education and a Special Interest Group in Mathematics Education.
These groups organise:
- Annual Teaching Awards;
- A Professional Development Unit;
- Resources for online courses and;
- A Teaching Seminar Series from which past seminars can be found in Past Teaching Seminars.
In addition, there is usually a session on mathematics education at the Society’s Annual Conference. Other items about mathematics education are Publications in Mathematics Education and Teaching Modules.
AustMS Accreditation of Degree Programs: Revision
Building on the 2002 documentation, this revision updates the existing standards and processes, including:
- Content, curriculum and knowledge
- Graduate Capabilities
- Connection with Australian Government Acts and Standards
- Inclusion of three-year mathematically-titled degrees
- The accreditation process
About the Committee
The AustMS Standing Committee on Mathematics Education maintains a ‘watching brief’ on matters in mathematics education relevant to the Society. This encompasses mathematics in education in:
- Universities and TAFE
- Education of mathematics teachers
- Various Australian school systems
- The wider area of mathematics in society.
Read the Terms of Reference (updated 21 April 2017) for the Standing Committee.