Rodney Baxter Prize
Who is the prize awarded to?
The Rodney Baxter Prize aims to recognise an outstanding and internationally significant contribution to the area of Mathematical Physics primarily carried out in Australia or New Zealand. It is awarded every three years. The Fellowship is funded by a gift from Emeritus Professor Rodney Baxter.
Rodney Baxter has been one of the world’s leading figures in the field of statistical mechanics and mathematical physics in the past 50 odd years. Among his many honours are the 1987 Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics, the 2006 Lars Onsager Prize, the 2013 Royal Medal and the 2021 Henri Poincaré Prize.
The inaugural prize was presented to the recipient, A/Prof David Ridout, at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Mathematical Physics (ANZAMP), hosted by the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, the School of Mathematics, Monash University, and the Department of Mathematics, Swinburne University, 8–10 February 2023 in Hobart, Tasmania.
How to apply
Nominations for The Rodney Baxter Prize should include:
- a nomination form to be completed by the nominator or nominee.
- an extended citation, not more than two pages in length, arguing the case for awarding The Prize to the nominee.
- a list of publications of the nominee, with the most significant marked by an asterisk.
- a curriculum vitae of the nominee’s professional career, highlighting any achievements which add support to the nominations.
- the names of three suitable referees, along with a brief statement as to their appropriateness.