HomeAwards & Grants

AustMS WIMSIG Anne Penfold Street Awards

AustMS WIMSIG Anne Penfold Street Awards

About the Awards

Who do these awards assist?

These awards provide additional financial support to Australian mathematicians for their caring responsibilities, while they travel for conferences or research visits to collaborators, with approximately four Awards awarded annually. The potential uses of these Awards include, but are not limited to, short-term childcare or professional carers for elderly relatives.  



The Awards are funded by the Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS) and are an initiative of the AustMS Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group (WIMSIG), which administers them. Awards are determined on a competitive basis by a selection committee of distinguished mathematicians, appointed by the Executive Committee of WIMSIG.

The WIMSIG Anne Penfold Street Awards scheme provides full or partial financial support for care providers and/or facilities to:

  • individuals while they travel for conferences or research visits to collaborate.
  • organising committees of conferences to be held in Australia.

The Awards are named after Professor Anne Penfold Street AM, in recognition of her contributions to the advancement of knowledge across the broader mathematical community where she promoted the intellectual development of secondary and tertiary students, and actively supported the advancement of her peers. She was appointed Professor of Mathematics at The University of Queensland in 1985. She was the third woman appointed to a mathematics professorship in Australia, after Hanna Neumann, ANU 1964, and Cheryl Praeger, UWA 1983.

There are two rounds of the Street Awards per year, with closing dates on April 1 and on October 1 each year.

The Selection Committee of the AustMS Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group will make recommendations to the Chair of the WIMSIG Executive Committee on the award of the WIMSIG Anne Penfold Street Awards. The Selection Committee will recommend the amount to be granted, up to a maximum of $750, to each successful applicant, taking account of the benefit of the proposed travel to the applicant’s research program.

Please note: If your application for a Street Award involves travel, you may also be eligible to apply for an AustMS WIMSIG Cheryl Praeger Travel Award.  It is possible to apply for both awards in the same round.

Eligibility criteria

These Awards are open to:

  • individuals studying/working/living in Australia, regardless of gender, or
  • members of organising committees for mathematics/statistics conferences to be held in Australia. 

Applicants must either

  • hold a PhD (or equivalent) in the mathematical sciences and have a work address (or home address in the case of an applicant who is not currently employed) in Australia, or
  • be studying in a PhD program in the mathematical sciences at an Australian university. They must also have been members of the Australian Mathematical Society for at least twelve months at the time of application. (Backdating of membership to the previous year is not sufficient.)

Excepting for conference organisers, an applicant can receive at most one WIMSIG Anne Penfold Street Award in any two-year period. Travel funding from other sources does not make an applicant ineligible.

How to apply

Applications should be sent via email to office@austms.org.au.

Applications should consist of:

(a) a current CV (at most three pages); and

(b) the completed application form, including an explanation (one to two paragraphs is enough) of the purpose of the proposed trip, how it will advance the research of the applicant or of those attending the conference (as appropriate), the nature of the care that is required, and a budget stating the cost of this care (which may exceed the total amount that can be granted).

For applications involving a conference, whether by individuals or conference organisers, the applicant should provide supporting documentation including where possible the URL of the conference website, evidence of conference registration(s), and evidence on the participation of women. Individual applicants should also provide a letter of invitation (email is sufficient), and confirmation of submission of an abstract.

In the case of a research visit, the applicant should arrange for a letter of support from the person they will visit, and a CV for that person, to be sent directly to the Selection Committee, care of office@austms.org.au, by April 1 or October 1. The letter should confirm that the writer agrees to the applicant’s visit, at the proposed travel time.

For queries about the Awards or the application process, please contact WIMSIG Treasurer WIMSIG-treasurer@austms.org.au.

Past winners






Asilata Bapat



Claire Miller


Mehwish Nasim


Valentina Wheeler


Emma Carberry

University of Sydney


Zsuzsanna Dansco 

University of Sydney


Tumadhir Fahim Alsulami

La Trobe University


Joan Licata



Zsuzsanna Dancso

The University of Sydney


Antony Licata



Anne Thomas

The University of Sydney


Joan Licata



Dan Mathews



Sevvandi Kandanaarachchi

Monash University


Mythreye Krishnan

University of Western Australia


Joanne Hall



Joan Licata



Deborah Cromer

University of New South Wales


Emma Carberry

The University of Sydney


Adelle Coster



Joan Licata