M-N-R Prize
Who is the prize awarded to?
The Mahony-Neumann-Room Prize is awarded annually to the author or authors of an article in the mathematical sciences published in the Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, the Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society or the ANZIAM Journal.
This prize, for outstanding contributions to the Society’s research publications, is fittingly named for the founding editors of those journals. The people it honours represent the three major aspects in the development of Australian mathematics. For further information, see the Cambridge University Press website.
The prize cycles through the three journals over a three-year period.
In the case of publications with multiple authors, the prize will be shared by all authors.
The prize carries a monetary award of $1,000.
Eligibility criteria
Each award will be for a single article consisting of original research and published in the 6 calendar years preceding the year of the award.