Electronic Subscription Conditions, 2003 & later
As we move into the new world of electronic publishing, there are a number of matters that need clarifying as to what the purchaser of a subscription is entitled to, and what they may, or may not, do with the information that they access. Below are the Terms and Conditions that we intend to apply to electronic subscriptions to our journals.
If any of these conditions are unacceptable to a current subscriber, they should contact AMPAI immediately. We will make every effort to resolve any concerns to allow continued access to the journals, but may, in exceptional circumstances, allow the subscription to be cancelled and refunded.
We would appreciate feedback from subscribers concerning these terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions of Electronic Subscriptions
1. Rights of the subscriber
The subscription includes authorization by means of the institution’s IP address to allow site-wide online access by authorized users via multiple connections. If a proxy server is being registered for access, the subscriber agrees to maintain the security of the access by authenticating authorized users before allowing use of the proxy to any remote or on-site user.
The yearly subscription allows perpetual access to that year’s volumes (rather than a year’s access to all the volumes of that journal).
Authorized users must be employees, faculty, staff, or students officially affiliated with the subscriber, or on-site patrons of the subscriber’s library facilities.
Sites may be academic or non-academic. For academic institutions, different campuses are considered different sites even if they are within the same city. Departments or libraries of the same campus are considered part of the same site. For non-academic institutions, sites are defined as geographically separate units, even if they are within the same city. Each branch, office, or laboratory is a different site.
Pricing for additional sites may be available at a substantial discount. AMPAI may, at its sole discretion, allow additional sites to be covered under a single subscription. Applications for such extensions of a subscription should be made to the AMPAI office, and include details of the populations and locations of all the sites to be covered under the subscription.
Any problems with accessing the electronic versions of the journals should be reported to office@austms.org.au, or the AMPAI office.
2. Restrictions on subscribers
- Paper or electronic transmission of articles for interlibrary loan purposes is allowed unless, as a purpose or effect of such, the library receiving such copies does so in such quantities as to substitute for a subscription. (See “Notes” below.)
- The downloading of an entire journal issue or complete journal volume in a systematic fashion is strictly prohibited.
- Any attempt to use the electronic journals beyond the rights granted in section 1 above may lead to the suspension or termination of access rights. Any network activities that emanate from the subscriber’s site and which threaten the security or performance of AMPAI’s web server may also result in a cessation of access.
- The journals published by AMPAI are subject to copyright and any copying must be made under the appropriate section of the Copyright Act 1968. (See http://www.copyright.org.au/.)
3. Disclaimers
- Although every effort will be made to ensure that the AMPAI journals are accurate versions of the printed publications, AMPAI does not warrant that the two versions will be identical.
- AMPAI will not be liable for any downtime or other performance failure in its servers. Operational requirements may require that access is temporarily interrupted from time to time. AMPAI will however make all reasonable efforts to correct any performance or access problems which are brought to its attention.
4. Notes
Concerning interlibrary loans
Australian subscribers should note the regulations governing copying for other libraries contained in Section 50 of the Copyright Act 1968.
US subscribers might note that subsection 108(g)(2) of the U.S. Copyright Statute prohibits systematic photocopying of copyrighted materials but permits interlibrary arrangements that do not have, as their purpose or effect, that the library or archives receiving such copies for distribution does so in such aggregate quantities as to substitute for a subscription to or purchases of such work. The National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyright Works has issued guidelines in regards to such copying which should be followed by US subscribers.
Subscribers in other jurisdictions should consult their local copyright legislation. e.g.;
(UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988)