Subscription Pricing
From 2008 sales to non-members of all the journals produced by the Australian Mathematical Society (except for the Gazette) is handled by the publishers, Cambridge University Press. Use the following links to get the current pricing:
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society: JAZ
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society: BAZ
Members of the Australian Mathematical Society may purchase the Society’s publications for private use at reduced price.
Non-member pricing for the Gazette is as follows:
(Australia, incl. GST): AUD 150.70
(Overseas): AUD 167
Members of the Australian Mathematical Society get the Gazette as a benefit of membership.
Back issues of Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, ANZIAM Journal up to year 2008 are available for FREE online at Cambridge University Press here.
Goods and Services Tax (GST) is not charged on back issue purchases.
Electronic versions of our journals (2002–2004)
The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society and The ANZIAM Journal are now available both in print and electronic forms. For the electronic form, just follow the link in the previous sentence. Issues more than 5 years old can be downloaded freely. Printed versions of back issues are also available.
Electronic versions of our journals (2008– )
The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, The ANZIAM Journal and Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society are now published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). To subscribe to these, either consult the Journal subscriptions prices links above or follow the links in the previous sentence to pages where you will find further links to the CUP website.
Electronic versions of our journals (2005–2007) are available:
The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society and the ANZIAM Journal are available both in print and electronic forms.
(These issues are now available for free download, being more than 5 years old.)
If you have any quesitons, contact us at
Please note that:
All Australian customers pay 10% GST (Goods & Services Tax) when they subscribe to our publications (included in the journals’ price).
Overseas customers do not pay GST, but will be charged a nominal overseas postage surcharge on printed journals (included in the journals’ prices).
All claims must be received within six months of date of despatch from the printer. Agents and customers claiming for journal(s) after the six-month period will be advised to purchase the claimed issue(s).
Contact Us
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at:
ABN: 67 722 717 096
John Dedman Mathematical Sciences Building
Australian National University
Telephone: (61 2) 6125 8922
Fax: (61 2) 6125 8923