Transitioning urgently to online classes
Friday 27 March 2020, 2:00pm (AEDT)
Robert Maillardet (Melbourne)
Abstract:The School of Mathematics and Statistics services 7000+ undergraduate students with around 50 permanent lecturing and tutorial staff and 170 casual tutors active each semester. In response to Covid-19 we moved preemptively and early to get tools, infrastructure and training in place to convert to online delivery and just managed to stay ahead of the impending wave to have fully operational online classes in place very quickly. This presentation talks about the online tools we used and their application to our interactive online classes, and also shares perspectives on how to manage change through such a dynamic and fast changing situation.
This 90-minute seminar will also include an open discussion about moving to online lectures.
The recording from this seminar is currently unavailable, sorry.
Note: this recording has been edited to remove personal information of participants. Some parts of the video have been intentionally blurred or blanked out.
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