
Geometry of Quantum Fields and Strings

Geometry of Quantum Fields and Strings

Start Date

January 9, 2020

End Date

January 12, 2020




Conference on the Mathematics of Gauge Theory and String Theory

Dates: 10–12 January 2020 Venue: University of Auckland

This meeting will be focused on recent advances and applications of the theory of quantum fields and strings in pure mathematics.

Hood Public Lecture: 6:00pm on Sunday 12 January 2020
Speaker: Edward Witten (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA)
New Observations of Black Holes

Distinguished Speakers

  • Mina Aganagic (Univ. California, Berkeley, USA)
  • Stavros Garoufalidis (Georgia Inst. Tech., USA)
  • Michael Freedman (Microsoft Station Q, USA)
  • Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford Univ., USA)
  • Eckhard Meinrenken (Uni. Toronto)
  • Clifford Taubes (Harvard Univ., USA)
  • Mathai Varghese (Univ. Adelaide)
  • Edward Witten (Inst. Advanced Study, Princeton, USA)

Moreover, Edward Witten and Michael Freedman will give departmental seminars on


deadline is Tuesday 10 December 2019.
Please register and book accommodation early as it is peak season in Auckland.

For further information, including registration, programme, transport and accommodation, see the conference website: http://pedram.hekmati.se/Auckland2020