
Symmetry in Newcastle, 10th May 2021

Symmetry in Newcastle, 10th May 2021

Start Date

May 10, 2021

End Date

May 10, 2021



May is here and as a consequence, Symmetry in Newcastle seminar is here as well! The confirmed speakers for next Monday are Yago Antolin, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and Robert Kropholler, Universität Münster. Feel free to grab a beverage appropriate for your respective timezone and join us for a friendly chat during the break!

The talks will be recorded and made available on our YouTube channel https://tinyurl.com/zerodimensionalgroup and our website https://zerodimensional.group/. The running times of the talks, titles and abstracts are as follows.

  • 16:30 – 17:30 AEST (06:30 – 07:30  UTC) Yago Antolin
  • 17:30 – 18:00 AEST (07:30 – 08:00  UTC) Break and chat
  • 18:00 – 19:00 AEST (08:00 – 09:00  UTC) Robert Kropholler

Speaker: Yago Antolín
Title: Geometry and Complexity of positive cones in groups.
Abstract: A positive cone on a group G is a subsemigroup P, such that G is the disjoint union of P, -1 and the trivial element. Positive cones codify naturally G-left-invariant total orders on G. When G is a finitely generated group, we will discuss whether or not a positive cone can be described by a regular language over the generators and how the ambient geometry of G influences the geometry of a positive cone. This will be based on joint works with Juan Alonso, Joaquin Brum, Cristobal Rivas and Hang Lu Su.


Speaker: Robert Kropholler
Title: Groups of type FP2 over fields but not over the integers.
Abstract: Being of type FP2 is an algebraic shadow of being finitely presented. A long standing question was whether these two classes are equivalent. This was shown to be false in the work of Bestvina and Brady. More recently, there are many new examples of groups of type FP2 coming with various interesting properties. I will begin with an introduction to the finiteness property FP2. I will end by giving a construction to find groups that are of type FP2() for all fields but not FP2(ℤ).

The zoom link is https://uonewcastle.zoom.us/j/82596235512.

Hope to see some of you on Monday!