
Practical Applications of Network Science 2021

Practical Applications of Network Science 2021

Start Date

February 22, 2021

End Date

February 23, 2021



Are you interested in learning Network Science?

RMIT University and Victoria University are holding a two day online workshop on this topic on the 22nd and 23rd of February.

The goal of this event is to introduce researchers to network science and its applications.

Diverse applications such as the study of proteins in biology, finding unusual patterns in social networks, optimisation of transportation networks and the study of complex computer networks use the theories and algorithms in Network Science

This two-day workshop is sponsored by AMSI. It will include:

  1. Two skill-building tutorial sessions using the software environment R. The workshops will start at an introductory level and proceed to working with real-world applications.
  2. A series of invited talks including leading researchers on how they used network science on the problems they care about.
  3. Bringing together diverse researchers working on the common theme of network science in facilitated networking sessions.

We have a series of interesting talks. The speakers include:

  1. Prof. Robert Ackland (ANU)
  2. Prof. Danielle Bassett (Univ. Pennsylvania & Santa Fe Inst., USA)
  3. Prof. Kate Smith-Miles (University of Melbourne)
  4. A/Prof. Stephen Davis (RMIT Univ.)
  5. Prof. David Bright (Flinders Univ.)
  6. Dr Jessica Liebig (CSIRO)
  7. A/Prof. Flora Salim (RMIT Univ.)

More details are available at https://sites.google.com/view/nsworkshop2021/home

This is a free event.  Registration is essential.
Please register at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/practical-applications-of-network-science-2021-tickets-126808115487.

Looking forward to seeing you there.


Arathi Arakala (RMIT Univ.)
Sevvandi Kandanaarachchi (RMIT Univ.)
Maria Prokofieva (VUT)