
Phylomania 2024

Phylomania 2024

Start Date

November 27, 2024

End Date

November 29, 2024



Phylomania 2024

The Sixteenth (mainly) Theoretical Phylogenetics Meeting at UTAS

Phylogenetics is concerned with one of the most important problems in biology: reconstructing the evolutionary history of present-day organisms from molecular data, such as DNA, or morphological characters. Hidden from view, in phylogenetics software packages used by biologists, are algorithms implementing stochastic and combinatorial methods on binary trees, as well as more general network structures.

The mathematics involved represent a unique confluence of probability theory, discrete mathematics, stochastic methods, and statistical inference, as well as algebraic methods such as group theory. There are many important theoretical and practical problems that arise, such as statistical identifiability of models, consistency and convergence of methods. These problems can only be solved using a multi-disciplinary approach. Phylomania brings together internationally recognised experts, with the aim of discussing the pressing research problems in phylogenetics.

For more information, and to register, head to our website: www.maths.utas.edu.au/phylomania/phylomania2024.html .