Taking advantage of Professor Yihong Du’s 60th birthday, this hybrid conference will bring together leading international researchers on nonlinear partial differential equations, as well as Australian researchers, in particular junior researchers, to report and discuss recent developments, exchange ideas, and foster or strengthen collaborations. The conference will focus on new developments in several themes of nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications, especially those to which Professor Du has made significant contributions. They include nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations, the calculus of variations, and their applications in biology.
- Dr Daniel Hauer, The University of Sydney
- Dr Ting-Ying Chang, The University of Sydney
- Associate Professor Florica Cîrstea, The University of Sydney
- Associate Professor Daniel Daners, The University of Sydney
- Dr Wenjie Ni, The University of New England
- Dr Tim Schaerf, The University of New England
This workshop is supported by AMSI and AustMS through the AMSI-AustMS Workshop Funding program.