
MATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Nijenhuis Geometry and Integrable Systems

MATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Nijenhuis Geometry and Integrable Systems

Start Date

February 7, 2022

End Date

February 18, 2022



Many integrable systems allow for separation of variables. The global theory of separation of variables on Riemannian manifolds has made recent progress that leads to the study of Nijenhuis geometry.

Nijenhuis geometry provides a link between separation of variables and projectively equivalent metrics. While Riemannian geometry and symplectic or Poisson geometry have been very well studied, global Nijenhuis geometry is relatively new and the workshop aims to exploit this theory and its connection to finite and infinite-dimensional integrable systems. Specifically two problems related to polynomial integrals of geodesic flows on the torus and the sphere will be studied.

The first week’s program is to be held online. The second week’s program will take place on-site at MATRIX, Creswick (via invitation).
The chairs will give two introductory talks each in the first week of the Symposium at SMRI.
A special session introduces to a pre-recorded series of lectures on Nijenhuis geometry specifically targeted at ECRs, but of course open to everybody.

OrganisersHolger Dullin, Emma Carberry, and Vladimir Matveev

Co-Chairs: Alexey Bolsinov and Vladimir Matveev

Online registration: (register once for all week 1 lectures)

For more information, please visit:
the SMRI symposium webpage:
or the MATRIX symposium webpage: