
MATRI✗: Multiple Time-Scale Dynamical Systems — postponed

MATRI✗: Multiple Time-Scale Dynamical Systems — postponed

Start Date

June 22, 2020

End Date

June 26, 2020



New Developments in Multiple Time-Scale Dynamical Systems

Dates: 22–26 June 2020 postponed due to Covid-19
Venue: University of Melbourne, Creswick campus
Water Street, Creswick, Victoria, 3363, Australia

Program Description

Geometric singular perturbation theory (GSPT) has developed to tease apart the dynamics of multiple time-scale systems in a growing list of scientific applications. These methods have typically been confined to systems of ODEs in which there is a global splitting of the slow and fast variables, but researchers have begun to recognize that this “standard form” is restrictive and unnatural in a variety of applied problems. In the past few years, there has been a movement toward understanding multiple time-scale systems beyond the standard form, where the tools from GSPT need to be adapted and further developed.

The two target areas for this workshop are (1) non-standard ODE models in which the slow/fast splitting is defined (at most) locally, and (2) parabolic PDEs. The MATRIX program will bring together key Australian and international researchers leading the development and applications of GSPT in these contexts, and provide an environment in which to collaborate and determine the key challenges facing GSPT in these two classes of problems beyond the standard form.


  • Deadline: 22 April 2020
  • Registration is by invitation only.MatriX logo

For similar MATRI✗ workshops, consult this announcement.

MATRI✗ Wine and Cheese Afternoon: 2 June 2020.
On the first Tuesday of each program, MATRI✗ provides a pre-dinner wine and cheese afternoon. Produce is locally-sourced to showcase delicacies from the region.


  • Ian Lizarraga (Univ. Sydney)
  • Theodore Vo (Monash Univ.)