
EMAC 2021

EMAC 2021

Start Date

December 2, 2021

End Date

December 3, 2021



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Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference (EMAC)

EMAC is the biennial meeting of the Engineering Mathematics Group (EMG), a special interest group of the Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM) division. For the first time, it is running in an online-only format in 2021.

This meeting provides a forum for researchers interested in the development and use of mathematical methods in engineering and applied mathematics. It aims to foster interactions between mathematicians and engineers, from both academia and industry.
A long-running feature of EMAC is the inclusion of special sessions on engineering/mathematics education focusing on the needs of both engineering and applied mathematics undergraduates.

The William Finlay Blyth Prize will be awarded to the best student presentation at the EMAC conference.

Refereed proceedings will be published after the conference in the Electronic Supplement of the ANZIAM Journal. This will be subject to the usual rigorous ANZIAM Journal refereeing process.

Abstracts for presentations due by Friday 26 November: https://tinyurl.com/37adw6kt.

Registration: Eventbrite