
Categorification in representation theory

Categorification in representation theory

Start Date

February 6, 2023

End Date

February 17, 2023



Location: The University of Sydney
Meeting type: Conference and workshop
Workshop: 6–10 February
Conference: 13–17 FebruaryDescription:
This conference focuses on categorification and its applications in representation theory. Categorification is something of an art, where one mathematical object is replaced with another richer, and often categorical, one that often reveals deeper structural properties. Important examples of categorification in representation theory include the geometric categorifications of Ginzburg, Lusztig and Nakajima, which realise quantum groups and their representations in a geometric framework, and Khovanov’s categorification of the Jones polynomial, and Elias and Williamson’s proof of the Kazhdan–Lusztig positivity conjectures and Soergel’s conjectures.

Workshop Speakers:
Alistair Savage (University of Ottawa), Peng Shan (Tsinghua University), Catharina Stroppel (Universität Bonn), Ben Webster (University of Waterloo)

Conference speakers:

Chris Bowman-Scargill (University of York), Ben Elias (University of Oregon), Nicolle Gonzalez* (University of California, Berkeley), Edmund Heng (IHES), Quoc Ho (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Matt Hogancamp (Northweastern University), Aaron Lauda (University of Southern California), Stacey Law (University of Cambridge), Tony Licata (ANU), Peter McNamara (University of Melbourne), Vanessa Miemietz (University of East Anglia), Hoel Queffelec (ANU), Anna Romanov (UNSW), Alistair Savage (University of Ottawa), Peng Shan (Tsinghua University), Catharina Stroppel (Universität Bonn), Louise Sutton (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology), Ben Webster (University of Waterloo), Jieru Zhu* (Université Catholique de Louvain)