Call to serve on AustMS committees and AustMS Council
Start Date
September 1, 2022
End Date
September 14, 2022
The Nominations and Publications Committee makes recommendations to Council on membership of Council subcommittees, officers appointed by Council and Editors of the Society’s publications. In carrying out its responsibilities, the Committee seeks to foster diversity of representation. On behalf of the committee, in the May Gazette, I called for expressions of interest from members willing to serve in any positions that may become open next year or in future years. Thank you to those who have already replied.
I am repeating this call.
The subcommittees of Council for which nominations are sought from Society members are:
- the AustMS Medal Committee
- the George Szekeres Medal Committee
- the Gavin Brown Prize Committee
- the Mahler Lecturer Committee
- the Fellowship Committee
- the Accreditation Committee
- the Student Conference Support Committee
- the Standing Committee on Mathematics Education
- the Membership and Marketing Committe
- the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
In addition, Early Career Representatives, who organise Early Career Workshops, are nominated by the committee. Some of the positions require particular expertise or experience and it will therefore assist the committee if those willing to serve briefly indicate the subcommittees or positions for which they consider themselves best suited and their relevant experience.
Please send expressions of interest to me, Deborah Jackson, Secretary AustMS by Wednesday 14th September.
There are also three ordinary positions on Council that need to be filled for a term of three consecutive sessions. To comply with Paragraphs 61 and 64 of the Constitution, all nominations should be signed by two members of the Society and by the nominee who shall also be a Member of the Society. Alternatively, members are encouraged to send informal suggestions to the Nominations and Publications Committee by emailing me at
All nominations and/or suggestions should reach me no later than Wednesday 14th September 2022.
Kind Regards
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