Baxter 2020: Frontiers in Integrability
Start Date
February 11, 2020
End Date
February 14, 2020
Baxter 2020: Frontiers in Integrability
Dates: 11–14 February 2020
Venue: Mathematical Sciences Institute, ANU, Canberra
Frontiers in Integrability is a major international meeting to highlight recent developments in the mathematical theory and application of integrability across a broad range of disciplines. In addition to traditional areas of applicability such as classical statistical mechanics, quantum many-body physics and combinatorics, application areas to be emphasised at this conference include new developments in quantum field theory, string theory and condensed matter physics, which are all joining together in a spectacular leap into the future of integrability.
This conference will also celebrate the 80th birthday of Rodney Baxter, a pioneer in the development of integrability and its applications in statistical mechanics.
This event is part of the MSI Special Year 2020 in Mathematical Physics and is a collaboration with the Research School of Physics, ANU.
Invited Speakers
- Agnese Bissi (Uppsala, Sweden)
- Kevin Costello (Perimeter Inst., Canada)
- Benjamin Doyon (Kings College, London, UK)
- Clare Dunning (Univ. Kent, UK)
- Paul Fendley (Univ. Oxford, UK)
- Angela Foerster (Inst. Física da UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil)
- Xiwen Guan (Wuhan, PR China)
- Monica Guica (CEA, Saclay, France)
- Nalini Joshi (Univ. Sydney, Australia)
- Rinat Kashaev (Univ. Geneva, Switzerland)
- Andrew Kels (SISSA, Italy)
- Andreas Kluemper (Univ. Wuppertal, Germany)
- Alisa Knizel (Columbia Univ., USA)
- Ivan Kostov (CEA, Saclay, France)
- Atsuo Kuniba (Tokyo Univ., Japan)
- Andrei Marshakov (Moscow, Russia)
- Chihiro Matsui (Univ. Tokyo, Japan)
- Barry McCoy (Stony Brook Univ., USA)
- Giuseppi Mussardo (SISSA, Italy)
- Bernard Nienhuis (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Milena Radnovic (Univ. Sydney, Australia)
- Didina Serban (CEA, Saclay, France)
- Yupeng Wang (Chinese Acad. Sci., PR China)
- Masahito Yamazaki (IPMU Univ. Tokyo, Japan)
- Konstantin Zarembo (Nordita, Sweden)
- Paul Zinn-Justin (Univ. Melbourne, Australia)
- Charlotte Kristjansen (Copenhagen, Denmark)*
- Xiaotian Xu (CAS, Beijing, PR China)*
Organising committee
- Murray Batchelor (Aust. Nat. Univ.) – chair
- Vladimir Bazhanov (Aust. Nat. Univ.)
- Clare Dunning (Univ. Kent, UK)
- Jon Links (Univ. Queensland)
- Vladimir Mangazeev (Aust. Nat. Univ.)
- Paul Pearce (Univ. Melbourne)
- Yang Shi (Flinders Univ., South Australia)
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