AustMS 2023
Start Date
December 5, 2023
End Date
December 8, 2023
The 67th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society will be held at the University of Queensland, 5–8 December 2023.
Registration is now open: Registration and Financial Support
Plenary Speakers
- Peter Bartlett (UC Berkeley, USA)
- Holger Dullin (University of Sydney) [ANZIAM Lecturer]
- Camillo De Lellis (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA)
- Eleonora Di Nezza (Sorbonne, France) [Hanna Neumann Lecturer]
- Poh Wah Hillock (The University of Queensland)
- Takashi Kumagai (Waseda University, Japan)
- Sarah Peluse (University of Michigan, USA) [Early Career Lecturer]
- David Ridout (University of Melbourne) [ANZAMP Lecturer]
- Marcy Robertson (University of Melbourne)
- Colva Roney-Dougal (University of St Andrews, UK)
- Jason Sharples (UNSW Canberra) [Dr Yunupingu Lecturer]
- Guofang Wei (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
- Stephen Wright (University of Wisconsin, USA)
Special Sessions
- Algebra and Combinatorics (organisers: Lawrence Reeves, Binzhou Xia, and Sanming Zhou)
- Applied and industrial mathematics (organiser: Simon Watt)
- Category theory, Homotopy theory and K-theory (organisers: Mircea Voineagu, Marcy Robertson, and Soichiro Fujii)
- Computational Mathematics (organisers: Quoc Thong Le Gia, Bishnu Lamichhane, and Ricardo Ruiz Baier)
- Discrete Geometry (organisers: Guillermo Pineda Villavicencio and Julien Ugon)
- Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory (organisers: Warwick Tucker, Gary Froyland, and Jason Atnip)
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Mathematics (organiser: Matthew Holden)
- Functional Analysis (organisers: Thomas Scheckter and David Robertson)
- Geometric analysis (organiser: Mat Langford)
- Harmonic Analysis (organisers: Zihua Guo, Ji Li, and The Anh Bui)
- Mathematical Physics (organisers: Ian Marquette, Gabriele Tartaglino Mazzucchelli, and Johanna Knapp)
- Mathematics Education (organisers: Poh Hillock, Michael Jennings, Chris Tisdell, Carolyn Kennett, Leesa Sidhu, and Greg Oates)
- Modern Techniques in Financial Mathematics (organisers: Duy-Minh Dang and Kazutoshi Yamazaki)
- Number theory (organiser: Bryce Kerr)
- Optimisation (organisers: Minh N. Dao and Matthew K. Tam)
- Partial Differential Equations (organisers: Serena Dipierro, Giorgio Poggesi, and Enrico Valdinoci)
- Probability and Mathematical Statistics (organisers: Andrea Collevecchio and Andriy Olenko)
- Representation Theory (organisers: Bregje Pauwels, Anna Romanov, Ian Le, and Sam Jeralds)
- Stochastic Differential Equations (organisers: Ben Goldys and Ngan Le)
- Topology (organisers: Diarmuid Crowley, Daniel Matthews, and Pedram Hekmati)
Program Advisory Board
- Regina Burachik, Chair (UniSA)
- Hoa Bui (Curtin)
- Timothy Buttsworth (UQ)
- Serena Dipierro (UWA)
- Pinhas Grossman (UNSW)
- Jack Hall (U of Melbourne)
- Nalini Joshi (U of Sydney)
- Finnur Larusson (U of Adelaide)
- Joan Licata (ANU)
- Anita Liebenau (UNSW)
- Jiakun Liu (Wollongong)
- Malwina Luczak (U of Melbourne)
- Artem Pulemotov (UQ)
- Tony Roberts (QUT)
- Fred Roosta (UQ)
- Gabriele Tartaglino Mazzucchelli (UQ)
- Valentina Wheeler (Wollongong)
- Kazutoshi Yamazaki (UQ)
Local Organising Committee
- Artem Pulemotov – Conference Director
- Timothy Buttsworth – Conference Secretary
- Kazutoshi Yamazaki – Conference Treasurer
- Meagan Carney
- Sara Davies
- Zhewen (Joe) Feng
- Ava Greenwood
- Joseph Grotowski
- Xin Guo
- Poh Hillock
- Michael Jennings
- Masoud Kamgarpour
- Ramiro Lafuente
- Sharon Lee
- Hien Nguyen
- Dietmar Oelz
- Lara Atzeni
- Andree McFarlane – Conference Administrator
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