


Start Date

February 7, 2024

End Date

February 9, 2024



Registration for the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Mathematical Physics is now open.

This meeting is jointly organised by the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales, and will be held at Mountain Heritage Hotel in Katoomba, New South Wales.

The dates for the ANZAMP meeting are Wednesday 7 February to Friday 9 February, 2024, with a welcome reception to be held on the evening of Tuesday, 6 February.

The programme committee is pleased to announce the following confirmed plenary speakers for ANZAMP 2024:
* Maciej Dunajski (Cambridge, UK)
* Catherine Meusburger (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)     -
* Alessandro Sfondrini (University of Padova, Italy, and IAS, USA)     -
* Michael Wheeler (University of Melbourne, Australia)

The deadline for early-bird registrations is 21 November. To register, please visit: https://www.anzamp.org.au/meetings/2024-2/registration/

The meeting has a tradition of encouraging contributed talks in a wide range of topics in mathematical physics. Especially encouraged are talks from ANZAMP student members who are eligible to compete for the A J Guttmann student talk prize. To submit an abstract for a contributed talk, please visit: https://www.anzamp.org.au/meetings/2024-2/abstract-submission/

This year, we are also able to offer members of the Australian Institute of Physics registration as cognate society members at ANZAMP member rate. If you have AIP member colleagues, please consider encouraging them to join us in Katoomba!

We have negotiated special accommodation rates, subject to availability, for the Heritage Guest Rooms. This rate can be obtained by booking directly with the Mountain Heritage Hotel and mentioning ANZAMP2024.

We look forward to seeing you in Katoomba!