
ACSME 2020 online

ACSME 2020 online

Start Date

September 30, 2020

End Date

October 2, 2020



It has become increasingly clearer that we will not be allowed to have large gatherings by the time of our annual ACSME conference, but the good news is that the conference will still go ahead online.

The online conference will be held on September 30 to October 2. The new theme for ACSME 2020 is A science education for uncertain times, and the format will follow that of previous conferences, with invited speakers, panels, and poster and presentations. Discipline workshops will be held on the third day, as usual.

Submissions are now open and will close on June 5 for abstracts, and June 19 for refereed papers. Further information is available on the ACSME 2020 website.

We look forward to receiving your contribution and to seeing you at the conference.

Finally, I am delighted to let you know that the Western Australia team has kindly agreed to host ACSME in Perth in 2021 around the equity theme that was proposed for this year.

Cristina Varsavsky
Director, ACDS Teaching & Learning Centre

You can follow #ACSME on Twitter and Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ACSMEconference.