
5th Mathematical Modelling in Biology and Medicine Workshop

5th Mathematical Modelling in Biology and Medicine Workshop

Start Date

December 12, 2019

End Date

December 12, 2019



Gerard Sutton Building, UoW

5th Mathematical Modelling in Biology and Medicine Workshop

Date: Thursday 12 December 2019
Venue: Building 32.G01, University of Wollongong, NSW.

There will be a one-day workshop on Thursday 12th December 2019 with presentations covering the applications of mathematical/statistical modelling in the areas of biology and medicine (interpreted in a broad sense). Presentations discussing experimental science are also highly encouraged.

Opening remarks

  • Dist. Prof. Antoine van Oijen, ARC Laureate Fellow
    Director, Molecular Horizons, University of Wollongong

Keynote Speakers

  • Prof. Mary Myerscough (Univ. Sydney)
    Modelling Atherosclerosis: the Mathematics of Lipids and Cells
  • Dr Andrew Robinson (Univ. Wollongong)
    New microscopy techniques to better understand bacterial evolution
  • Dr Yaser Hadi Gholami (Univ. Sydney)
    Nuclear Nano-Physics in Medicine

Supporting Presentations

Preference for supporting presentations will be given to students and early career researchers. If you would like to give a presentation, please contact A/PROF. Mark Nelson (mnelson@uow.edu.au).

The audience for this workshop will be mixed comprising undergraduates, postgraduates, academics and non-academics. Some of the audience will have a mathematical background, some will have a background in the medical sciences, and some will have a background in engineering/science.

Successful presentations will take account of the `general audience’. Emphasis should be placed on the problem being in investigate and the insights that the research has provided. Speakers giving modelling presentations are encouraged to avoid the gory mathematical details! There will be a prize for the best presentation by a student

Afternoon tea and lunch will be provided for all delegates.
RSVP for catering purposes. Please advise of any dietary requirements.


  • A/Prof. Mark Nelson
    Centre for Multidisciplinary Mathematical Modelling, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, Univ. Wollongong.
  • Dr Marianito Rodrigo
    Centre for Mathematical Biology and Medicine, School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, Univ. Wollongong.
  • Dr Sianne Oktaria
    Institute of Medical Physics, Univ. Sydney
    Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, School of Physics, Univ. Wollongong
    Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute