AustMS Bulletin

About the Journal
The BULLETIN of the Australian Mathematical Society aims at quick publication of original research in all branches of mathematics. Papers are accepted only after peer review but editorial decisions on acceptance or otherwise are taken quickly. On average, the time from submission to the first decision is less than a week and the time from submission to acceptance is less than a month.
The BULLETIN of the Australian Mathematical Society began publication in 1969. Normally two volumes of three numbers are published annually.
Since 2008 the journal has been published by Cambridge University Press. Please refer to this site for subscription information and costs for issues dated from August 2008.
Prior to 2008 the BULLETIN was published for the Australian Mathematical Society by the Australian Mathematical Publishing Association Inc.
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Information For Authors
Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal’s policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting, or if already registered can simply log in and begin the 5 step process.
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Vol. 107 No. 3 (2023)
PUBLISHED: 2023-05-31
J. Zhang, Y. Tao
T. Morrill
L. Shang, D. Ling, M. Tang
M. Coons, J. Evans, Z. Groth, N. Manibo
Y. Huang
Ricardo Francisco, Diego Marques
J.-M. De Koninck, I. Kátai
J. Li, F. Xue, M. Zhang
E. McSpirit, K. Scheckelhoff
A. Ray
G. Fasola, M. Tarnauceanu
G. Sabatino
N. Gupta
X. He, K. Wang
S. S. Dragomir
O. Yu. Aristov
F. Clément, H. N. Mojarrad, D. H. Pham, C.-Y. Shen
Y.-F. Wu
Wa. F. Mansoor
J. McCloughan
- Vol. 107 No. 3 (2023)
- Vol. 107 No. 2 (2023)
- Vol. 107 No. 1 (2023)
- Vol. 106 No. 3 (2022)
- Vol. 106 No. 2 (2022)
- Vol. 106 No. 1 (2022)
About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The BULLETIN of the Australian Mathematical Society aims at quick publication of original research in all branches of mathematics. To ensure speedy publication, only articles which are well presented, requiring only minor revision, and which are judged by the Editor (often in consultation with an Associate Editor) to be competitive are refereed. Editorial decisions on acceptance or otherwise are taken quickly, usually within a month of receipt of the paper. This policy is in the interests of authors, as a quick decision is better than a slow rejection. The BULLETIN receives more than five times the amount of material that can be published and many commendable papers cannot be accepted.
Peer Review Process
Papers are accepted only after peer review. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work is not concurrently submitted elsewhere. Authors should read carefully all the details below. For a paper to be acceptable for publication, not only should it contain new and interesting results but also
- the exposition should be clear and attractive,
- the paper should be relatively short (say, no more than 12 pages), and
- the manuscript should be in publishable form, with only minor revision
Authors are encouraged to prepare their manuscripts using the ‘baustms’ document class for LaTeX. Please see the Author Guidelines included in the Submissions tab on this website.
Publication Frequency
The BULLETIN is published by Cambridge University Press, online at Cambridge University Press and in print. Normally two volumes with three issues per volume are published annually. From 2025, the BULLETIN will only be published online.
Open Access Policy
The BULLETIN is a hybrid journal. Access to some of the contents requires a subscription. Authors can choose to make their articles open access under a Creative commons licence for access via Cambridge University Press. This enables anyone to access redistribute and re-use the content in new or derivative works with attribution. For more information, refer to open access options.
Login or Register to make a submission.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items. Submissions may be returned to authors who do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The article is an original work, has not been published
before, and is not currently under consideration for
publication in another journal (or an explanation has been
provided in Comments to the Editor):
This submission is not a revision of an earlier
submission which is still under consideration (revisions of
earlier submissions must be uploaded via the ‘Author Upload’
boxes on the ‘Review’ and ‘Editing’ pages for the earlier
The authors listed on the paper each contributed to the
production of the work, and there is no other person who
contributed and who might wish to be listed as an author;
The authors are aware of and agree to the policy of the Australian Mathematical Publishing Association Incorporated that articles will be made freely accessible to the public five years after publication;
The article contains no defamatory or unlawful statements and does not infringe the right of any third party;
Where necessary to reproduce copyright material, written permission has been obtained (copies attached) from the copyright holder, and appropriate acknowledgment has been made to the original source.
Any use of an artificial intelligence tool to generate text or images or analyse data for the submission is appropriately acknowledged and described.
- Please ensure that the submitted document is in Adobe pdf format, and that the following is included in the Submission Metadata:
all authors, with their ORCID;
Keywords to indicate the main topics in the submission;
Subjects that is, appropriate Mathematics Subject
Classification codes (for the codes, see
Author Guidelines
To submit articles to the BULLETIN, authors must first be registered with our journal management system OJS, (standing for “Open Journal Systems”) as both readers and authors. The form to register with the Bulletin is at Bulletin/user/register
Articles should be prepared in LaTeX using AmS-LaTeXpackages and submitted as a PDF file via our journal management system. This permits authors to track their papers through the editorial process. Recent versions of TeX (see the TeX Users Group) are able to produce PDF files directly. A LaTeX class file, a BibTeX style, and a template for submissions are available for download:
Authors who need assistance may email the secretary of the BULLETIN at
The BULLETIN will request the LaTeX source code when the article has been accepted for publication or, in some cases, prior to peer review.
Authors are advised to keep copies of all files of the submitted article; the BULLETIN will not accept responsibility for any loss.
1. References
Arrange references alphabetically (by surname of the first author) and cite them numerically in the text. Ensure the references are quoted accurately, and use the standard abbreviations for journal names prepared by the American Mathematical Society (these are available each year in Mathematical Reviews or from the Mathematical Reviews Resources page at the American Mathematical Society’s web site). Include in the list of references only those works cited, and avoid citing works which are in preparation or submitted. Where the work cited is not readily accessible (for example, a preprint) a copy of the article should be included with your submission.
2. Abstracts
- Each paper must include an abstract of not more than 200 words, which should contain a brief but informative summary of the contents of the paper, but no inessential details.
- The abstract should be self-contained, but may refer to the title.
- Specific references (by number) to a section, proposition, equation or bibliographical item should be avoided.
3. Subject Classification and Key Words
Authors should include a few key words and phrases, and a single primary and one or more secondary classification numbers, following the American Mathematical Society 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. Find details of this scheme in the Annual Index of recent issues of Mathematical Reviews, or from the Mathematics Subject Classification page at the American Mathematical Society’s web site.
4. Abstracts of Ph.D. Theses
The BULLETIN of the Australian Mathematical Society publishes Abstracts of Australasian Ph.D. Theses. The abstract submitted to the BULLETIN may be the abstract included in the thesis itself. However, the BULLETIN will accept abstracts of up to three pages, which may include references. All the mathematical sciences are covered, including pure and applied mathematics, probability and mathematical statistics, mathematical physics, and mathematical computer science.
Ph.D. students should provide a PDF and a LaTeX file of their abstract. These should be sent through the Bulletin’s online submission system (see above). To submit an abstract, you must first register as both a reader and an author. Apart from the abstract itself, the BULLETIN needs the following information:
- the name of the university awarding the degree;
- the name(s) of the supervisor(s);
- documentation, e.g., a written statement from the university or the supervisor, that the degree has been approved;
- the month of submission;
- the date of approval of the degree (which is usually well before the degree is formally conferred);
- appropriate 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification number(s).
Sometimes there is a form inside the thesis with most of the above information on it; a scanned copy of this is very useful. Publication is fast, usually within six months of submission. Abstracts must usually be received within six months of the approval of the degree.
If you need assistance, please email the secretary of the BULLETIN at editor@bulletin.
Copyright Notice
The policy of the BULLETIN is that authors (or in some cases their employers) retain copyright and grant The Australian Mathematical Publishing Association a licence to publish their work. If their article is accepted for publication, then the authors agree to complete and return an author licence to publish form. The BULLETIN is unable to publish the article without this agreement. Please see the information below for more detail about the types of agreements.
The author(s) must be the sole owner of the material, or a co-owner acting in accord with all other owners, and have full power to make this agreement. The authors assert their moral rights as authors.
License to Publish (LTP)
These notes explain the terms under which papers are published in the Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society. The Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society is owned by the Australian Mathematical Publishing Association Incorporated and published by Cambridge University Press. In these notes, the Australian Mathematical Publishing Association Incorporated, Cambridge University Press and the Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society are abbreviated as AMPAI, CUP and the BULLETIN. Cambridge Core ( is the books and journals platform for Cambridge University Press.
Papers can be published with Green Open Access (the standard free publishing arrangement) or Gold Open Access (the open access arrangement). If the research was funded by a Coalition S funder and subject to Plan S, then we recommend the Gold Open Access option which is compliant with Plan S. If there is no connection to Plan S, then these issues do not arise and either Green or Gold Open Access can be chosen.
The standard arrangement is Green Open Access in accordance with the policy of Cambridge University Press. Authors must assign an exclusive licence to publish to AMPAI which is the publishing arm of the Australian Mathematical Society. In brief, green open access has no publication charges and allows some sharing of the paper as follows:
- a preprint or the submitted manuscript may be made available by the author at any time,
- the accepted manuscript may be made available on the author’s web page on acceptance and on a non-commercial repository six months after publication)
- only the abstract of the final published version of the paper may be made available together with a link to the paper on Cambridge Core ( in other circumstances.
Preprints and submitted manuscripts may be made accessible under any license terms the author chooses. Accepted manuscripts can be made accessible under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license or equivalent. The final published version of the paper will be made accessible to the public through Cambridge Core five years after publication. In addition to the reuse permitted by the Green Open Access policy, the Author may reuse the paper in accordance with the CUP’s content reuse policy at . For any other reuse of the paper which is not covered under this LTP, the author should contact the Editor to request permission.
Please note that the BULLETIN’s Green Open Access policy does not allow the use of the Green Open Access self-archiving route to Plan S compliance. If the research is subject to Plan S, then please consider Gold Open Access (see below), or contact the Editor (via or to discuss potential solutions.
The open access arrangement is called Gold Open Access. Gold Open Access may be arranged by payment of an initial one-off fee of $USD3255 or under a Read and Publish Agreement between the author’s institution and CUP (which covers the fee or provides for a discount). Immediate open access will be provided through Cambridge Core under the terms of a creative commons license chosen by the author. Creative Commons Licences expressly do not permit any commercial reuse without permission from the Publisher. Payment of the article processing fee is arranged through CUP prior to publication. The fee of $USD3255 applies for 2023 and may be indexed. Authors must assign a nonexclusive licence to publish to AMPAI under this arrangement.
Explanatory notes
- The BULLETIN’s policy is to request a licence to publish, allowing for reproduction, distribution and sale of the paper or any part of it in all forms and media and in all languages throughout the world, print and electronic, and to grant a licence to exploit all other rights in the nature of copyright, including translation and subsidiary rights, rental, lending and database rights and all other publishing and print on demand rights.
- The licence will commence on the date on which the licence to publish is signed by the author(s) and shall endure for the legal term of copyright in the paper.
- The author retains the copyright in the paper. The author asserts the moral right always to be identified as the author of the paper in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
- CUP (on behalf of AMPAI) will use its best endeavours to ensure that any direct request received to reproduce a contribution, or a substantial part of it, in another publication (which may be an electronic publication) is approved by the author(s) before permission is given. Multiple authors should nominate one author only to respond to such requests.
- CUP cooperates in various licensing schemes that allow material to be photocopied within agreed restraints (for example, the CCC in the USA and the CLA in the UK). Any proceeds received from such licenses, together with any proceeds from sales of subsidiary rights in the BULLETIN, directly support its continuing publication.
- It is understood that in some cases copyright will be held by the author’s employer. If so, then CUP (on behalf of AMPAI) requires exclusive permission to deal with requests from third parties, on the understanding that any requests received from third parties will be handled in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 5 above (approval will be sought for the proposed use from the author, not the employer).
- If a contribution includes textual or illustrative material not in the author’s copyright and not covered by fair use/fair dealing, then the author(s) must obtain permission from the relevant copyright owner (usually the publisher or via the publisher) for the nonexclusive right to reproduce the material worldwide in all forms and media, including electronic publication. The relevant permission correspondence must be attached to the licence to publish form. If in doubt about whether or not permission is required, then please consult The Permissions Controller, Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK; fax: +44 (0)1223 315 052; email:
- The information provided on the licence to publish form will be held in perpetuity by AMPAI for record purposes. The name(s) and address(es) of the author(s) of the contribution may be reproduced in the BULLETIN and provided to print and online indexing and abstracting services and bibliographic databases.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Editorial Team
John Loxton, Editor; Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Brian Ackerman, Editorial Assistant; Sydney, Australia
Layout Editor
Karen Greening, Sunrise Setting Ltd, United Kingdom
The Editor
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society,
For enquiries about the Online Journal system