Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee
Current Committee Members
- Prof Nalini Joshi (Univ. Sydney) — Chair; term: 2022–2024
- Dr Edward Green (Univ. Adelaide); 2023–2025
- Prof Rowena Ball (ANU); 2023–2025
- Mr Matthew Mack (Univ. Melbourne); 2022–2024
- Prof John Roberts (Univ. NSW); 2023–2025
- Dr Marcy Robertson (Univ. Melbourne); 2023–2025
- Dr Matthew Holden (Univ. Queensland); 2024-2026
- Dr Lyron Winderbaum (Univ. South Australia); 2024-2026
- Dr Yang Shi (Flinders University); 2024-2026
- Statement on the Inequitable Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- AustMS Code of Conduct
- AustMS Code of Conduct Procedures
- EDI Special Session at Annual Meetings of the AustMS (since 2019)
Inclusive Practices
Australian Style Manual: a guide for writing clear and consistent content that meets the needs of its users, which includes language usage guidelines for cultural and linguistic diversity, gender and sexual diversity, and people with disability
Guidelines for journal editors to guide the decision making process (American Mathematical Society)
Women in Mathematics
Benchmarking data, successful applications and resources for good practices pertaining to the Athena SWAN Awards (London Mathematical Society), which also includes the Good Practice Scheme booklet for advancing womens’ careers in university mathematical sciences departments
Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE): the Australian iteration of Athena SWAN