The Australian Mathematical Society
Volume 32 Number 2, May 2005
Available are the complete issue (5.1Mb) and individual articles
72   Editorial
73   President's Column
- Michael Cowling
75   Math matters
- Larry Forbes
80   Letter to the editors
- Peter Cerone
83   Mathellaneous
- Norman Do
90   My brilliant career
- Romesh Silva
95   The 10th problem
- Igor Shparlinski
98   A "Professional Issues and Ethics in Mathematics" course
- James Franklin
101 2005 Australian Academy of Science Fellows
103 ANZIAM2005: The forty-first Applied Mathematics Conference, Napier, New Zealand, 30 Jan--3 Feb 2005
- Alfred Sneyd
105 Increasing access to mathematical thinking
- Peter Sullivan, Judith Mousley and Robyn Zevenbergen
110 Quantifying symmetry
- Jonathan Cohen
116 Ants, stochastic optimisation and reinforcement learning
- Andre Costa
124 On representations of $\pi$ and $\sqrt{2}$
- Mike Hirschhorn
127 Book Reviews
135 News