The Australian Mathematical Society


Volume 32 Number 2, May 2005

Available are the complete issue (5.1Mb) and individual articles


72   Editorial
73   President's Column
Michael Cowling
75   Math matters
Larry Forbes
80   Letter to the editors
Peter Cerone
83   Mathellaneous
Norman Do
90   My brilliant career
Romesh Silva
95   The 10th problem
Igor Shparlinski
98   A "Professional Issues and Ethics in Mathematics" course
James Franklin
101 2005 Australian Academy of Science Fellows
103 ANZIAM2005: The forty-first Applied Mathematics Conference, Napier, New Zealand, 30 Jan--3 Feb 2005
Alfred Sneyd
105 Increasing access to mathematical thinking
Peter Sullivan, Judith Mousley and Robyn Zevenbergen
110 Quantifying symmetry
Jonathan Cohen
116 Ants, stochastic optimisation and reinforcement learning
Andre Costa
124 On representations of $\pi$ and $\sqrt{2}$
Mike Hirschhorn
127 Book Reviews
135 News