This message addressed to women in mathematics around the world is to invite you to contribute to a follow up project
“Words of Women in Mathematics in the Time of Corona” of the video project “Faces of Women in Mathematics“. You might have contributed to that 2018 film project. If so, and if you did your clip as a group, please share this mail with your colleagues who were in the clip! Otherwise, you are also strongly encouraged to take part in this new project.
The “Faces of Women in Mathematics” film collected 146 clips of 243 women mathematicians from 36 different countries speaking 31 different languages. This very successful project has contributed to making women working in mathematics more visible and has received very positive resonance from the general public.
Three years later and with a year of pandemic behind us, we are launching a follow-up of the project, with the above working title “Words of Women in Mathematics in the Time of Corona”. The pandemic has made women and in particular women in mathematics more invisible than ever, and this project aims to let them be heard and seen. The new film will be launched on May 12th, Maryam Mirzakhani’s birthday that has become a day to celebrate Women in Maths.
We would like to invite you to contribute in answering the following question. “How has the pandemic affected your personal or professional life as a mathematician?” in the form of
- a video clip (8-30 seconds in your original language) with your answer (preferably) in your native language to the above question OR a portrait photograph of yourself + audio file (use memo function of you cell phone) with your answer in your native language. The photograph should be a “natural” one, not an official “professional” one. Here is a link with some samples:
- a written translation in English of your spoken words, as well as your first name, last name, the name of the language in which you made your statement and the country where you live and work We encourage you to add a photograph of your work space during the pandemic in high resolution, that we would include in the video.
We need to receive your contributions by April 21st 2021
Please send your clip to Irina Linke preferably by Wetransfer for highest resolution []
Here are some practical recommendations for best video results:
- You may ask someone else to hold the camera and film you
- Use the camera of your smart phone; do not use the computer!
- Hold the camera at eye level
- Make sure that your face is well lit.
- For editing purposes, wait a few seconds before you start talking,and wait a few seconds before you stop filming after having said your sentence
- You may film outdoors
- Please check the clip for clarity of the sound, and try to avoid filming in a noisy or windy environment.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are very much looking forward to seeing and hearing your contributions! Please forward this call to whoever might be interested in contributing! Many thanks!
Take care,
Best wishes,
Sylvie and the team:
- Eugenie Hunsicker (Mathematician, UK)
- Irina Linke (Documentary filmmaker, Germany)
- Sonia Mahmoudi (Mathematician, Japan)
- Claudia Malvenuto (Mathematician, Italy)
- Sylvie Paycha (Mathematician, Germany)
- Eriko Shinkawa (Mathematician, Japan)