On behalf of the organising committee, we are delighted to share the first announcement of the 13th Southern Hemisphere Delta Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics to be held on 22 – 25 November 2021 at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. For the first time, the conference presentations will be made online via video conferencing. Delta attracts an international audience of academics interested in mathematics and statistics education, including disciplinary specialists, education theorists, and tertiary education practitioners across the mathematical sciences and engineering. Traditionally, the conference focuses not only on the dissemination of practical initiatives but also on research outputs, which are published as double-blind peer-reviewed articles in the special issue of the International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (submission deadline is 6 April https://bit.ly/International_Journal_Mathematical_Education_Science_Technology; guest editor: Tanya Evans) and as full double-blind peer-reviewed papers in the conference proceedings (submission deadline is 13 August; editors: Stephanie Budgett and Rosalind Cameron).
Registrations will open on 18 February 2021. The Early-bird conference registration fee is NZ $120 before 30 September 2021, while the standard conference registration fee is NZ $150 after 30 September 2021.
For further information about the conference, consult this pdf, and/or see our website: https://www.herengadelta.org/.
Local Organising Committee:
Stephanie Budgett, Rosalind Cameron, Tanya Evans, Phil Kane, Rachel Passmore, Cami Sawyer, Kerri Spooner
Convenor: Phil Kane
Kind regards | Ngā mihi
Dr Tanya Evans