Speaker: Mark Mac Lean (University of British Columbia)
Title: Comparative Judgement and Learning through Engagement with Someone Else’s Reasoning
Date & Time: Wednesday 20 July 2022, 2:00pm (AEST)
Abstract: Involving students in mathematical discourse can help them build a deeper conceptual understanding of the mathematics they are learning. One approach is to have students engage with written mathematical arguments and solutions to problems from their peers. Novices do not have the same capacity as experts to judge the work they are reading, but novices do have the capacity to compare two pieces of work and judge which one is better. Comparative judgement can be used as a pedagogical tool to help students learn mathematics. In this talk, I will describe some ways comparative judgement has been implemented in mathematics courses and how we are working to better understand the effects comparative judgement exercises may have on learning mathematics.
Zoom link: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/87067206616?pwd=YWRjSENaem9tZTVZUGxsbThianU0QT09 passcode: 314159
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