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Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Pure Mathematics@USydney – Tensor Categories

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Pure Mathematics@USydney – Tensor Categories

Full time 2 years fixed term employment, located on the Camperdown Campus at the School of Mathematics and Statistics 

Closing date: 11:59pm, Monday, 25 October 2021

Opportunity to contribute to research focused on Representation Theory, Category Theory and Algebraic Geometry and be part of world-class mathematicians’ team

Base Salary Level B $110K p.a. + 17% superannuation

The University of Sydney is welcoming applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. The successful applicant will be working in the intersection of Representation Theory, Category Theory and Algebraic Geometry, centered around the theory of tensor categories. On the one hand, the language of tensor categories allows one to employ techniques from representation theory in various settings, such as in theories of motives or perverse sheaves. On the other hand, techniques from representation theory are used to create structure theory for tensor categories via tannakian reconstruction.

More information and application link: https://usyd.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/USYD_EXTERNAL_CAREER_SITE/job/Darlington-Campus/Postdoctoral-Research-Fellow-in-Pure-Mathematics–Tensor-Categories_0083727


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