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Mathematics of Conformal Field Theory II (July 5–9)

Mathematics of Conformal Field Theory II (July 5–9)

The 2020 conference “The Mathematics of Conformal Field Theory II” was postponed due to the pandemic. We are happy to announce that it has now been approved to go ahead at the Mathematical Sciences Institute of the ANU from July 6-9. Furthermore, the conference will be preceded by a day of talks celebrating Peter Bouwknegt’s 60th birthday on July 5.

The majority of talks will be in-person at the ANU, following  appropriate COVID-safe protocols. These will be complemented by zoom talks from international speakers. The themes of the conference are  being interpreted broadly and will thus cover a wide range of topics connected to conformal field theory.

Confirmed speakers include:
– Arnaud Brothier (UNSW)
– Ilka Brunner (Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich)
– Nora Ganter (Melbourne)
– Pinhas Grossman (UNSW)
– Yi-Zhi Huang (Rutgers University)
– Jock McOrist (New England)
– Alexander Molev (Sydney)
– Krzysztof Pilch (University of Southern California)
– Thomas Quella (Melbourne)
– Jorgen Rasmussen (Queensland)
– Anna Romanov (Sydney)
– Kareljan Schoutens (University of Amsterdam)
– Christoph Schweigert (University of Hamburg)
– Gabriele Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli (Queensland)
– Mathai Varghese (Adelaide)
– Siye Wu (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)

Registration for the conference and birthday celebration is now open at the following website:


We also invite abstracts for contributed talks and encourage researchers at all career stages to apply.

Please note that we will of course need to be flexible with our arrangements in case of any changes to the domestic COVID situation.


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