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Mathematics Education Special Session

Mathematics Education Special Session

02 Nov 2020

From the AustMS Secretary Deborah Jackson on behalf of Deborah King dmking@unimelb.edu.au.

The Mathematics Education special session of the Australian Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, hosted by the University of New England, 8-10 December 2020, is now accepting submissions.

You are invited to submit a talk (20 minutes, plus 5 minutes break between talks)

Please also circulate to colleagues who may be interested in participating in this session.  

Talks in this session may focus on pedagogy, professional development or other topics relevant to tertiary mathematics education. 

The conference website is here: http://austms.org.au/meetings/annual-conferences/2020-austms-meeting/

Conference registration is free for AustMS members and closes on 16 November 2020. (The fee for non-members is $50, and can be put towards AustMS membership.). 

I’m sure that there will be lots to talk about this year! Please come and share the experiences with our community. 

With very best wishes

Deb King

A/Prof. Deborah King
Director, Bachelor of Science
University of Melbourne
+61 3 8344-8052


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