
The Fifth Australian Algebra Conference, AAC05

The Fifth Australian Algebra Conference, AAC05

Start Date

November 17, 2021

End Date

November 19, 2021



Dates & Venue: 17–19 November 2021; University of Western Australia

Registration is free and is now open (via the above webpage).

Students are especially encouraged to present a talk.

This conference is the 40th iteration of an annual conference which for many years was called the Victorian Algebra Conference. Over the years it has become increasingly national, both in participation and location, and this is reflected in the new name. Here is an extract from the website of the Australian Algebra Group (formerly the Victorian Algebra Group) which runs the conference.

“The main aim of the annual Australian Algebra Conference is to foster communication between algebraists in Australia. We interpret algebra quite broadly, including areas such as topological algebra, algebraic logic, graph theory and coding theory. The conference has a proud tradition of encouraging talks by students: typically about one third of the talks are presented by students. The conference aims to provide graduate students in algebra with the opportunity to give their first public presentation in a relaxed and supportive environment. Each conference, the most outstanding student talk is awarded the Gordon Preston Prize.”
