DSDU Workshop
Start Date
December 8, 2019
End Date
December 12, 2019
Data Science Down Under Workshop
Dates: 8–12 December 2019
Venue: Fort Scratchley Function Centre, Nobbys Road, Newcastle, NSW
The aim of the workshop is to bring together Australian researchers and practitioners as well as key international academics in areas related to data science, e.g., mathematics, statistics and computer science, to discuss recent advancements, share ideas and foster new local and international collaborations.
The workshop consists of two integral parts:
- Boot camp: Sunday 8 December to Tuesday 10 December,
- Recent advances: Wednesday 11 December to Thursday 12 December.
We intend to organise ongoing yearly workshops with specific underlying theme for each year’s boot camp. In our Inaugural year in 2019, the theme of the boot camp is Randomised Numerical Linear Algebra (RandNLA), which is a subject of ongoing intense study. For this, invited speakers who are the pioneers and leading scholars in the field will bring their expertise in the area of RandNLA and expose early career researchers and graduate students to related background topics.
The aim of the second half of the workshop is to explore not only the interactions between the theme of the boot camp, i.e., RandNLA for 2019, and machine learning, but also a diverse range of topics in data science. For this, speakers from various areas related to the mathematics of data science will present and discuss their cutting-edge research results.
Invited Speakers
- Kenneth Clarkson (IBM Research, USA)
- Michael Houle (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
- Michael Mahoney (Univ. California Berkeley, USA)
- Kerrie Mengersen (Queensland Univ. Tech.)
- Deanna Needell (Univ. California LA, USA) – Teleconference talk
- Joshua Ross (Univ. Adelaide)
- Kate Smith-Miles (Univ. Melbourne)
- Peter Taylor (Univ. Melbourne)
- Matt Wand (Univ. Tech. Sydney)
- David Woodruff (Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA)
- Peng Xu (Amazon AI Lab, USA)
For more information and to register, head to the Conference Website: https://carma.newcastle.edu.au/meetings/dsdu/
- Ali Eshragh (Univ. Newcastle) – Chair
- Fred Roosta (Univ. Queensland) – Co-chair
- Ricardo Campello (Univ. Newcastle)
- Elizabeth Stojanovski (Univ. Newcastle)
- Natalie Thamwattana (Univ. Newcastle)
- Scientific inquiries: Ali Eshragh (Ali.Eshragh@newcastle.edu.au)
or Fred Roosta (Fred.Roosta@uq.edu.au) - Logistical inquiries: Juliane Turner (Juliane.Turner@newcastle.edu.au)
- Technical support: David Allingham (David.Allingham@newcastle.edu.au)
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