
6th Australian Algebra Conference AAC06 @ the Sunshine Coast

6th Australian Algebra Conference AAC06 @ the Sunshine Coast

Start Date

November 28, 2022

End Date

November 30, 2022



AAC06 @ the Sunshine Coast

We are very pleased to invite you to join us here on Kabi Kabi country at the Sunshine Coast in Queensland for the 2022 Australian Algebra Conference.

The aim of the annual Australian Algebra Conference is to foster communication between algebraists in Australia. We interpret algebra broadly, including areas such as topological algebra, algebraic logic, graph theory and coding theory. The conference is run by the Australian Algebra Group, which is a special interest group of the Australian Mathematical Society.

Important dates

Registration opens September 6
Abstracts can be submitted anytime until November 11
Timetable for talks: planned for release on November 21

Visit the website for updates including information about student travel support.

Queensland lives and works to AEST so if travelling from southern places, turn your clocks back an hour, turn down the tension and let’s catch up with the places our thinking work has taken us.