09 Nov 2020
From the AustMS Secretary Deborah Jackson on behalf of the 2021 Conference Director Florian Breuer Florian.Breuer@newcastle.edu.au.
Call for nominations: Plenary speakers for the AustMS 2021 Annual Conference to be held in Newcastle, December 2021.
The programme advisory board of the 2021 AustMS conference is seeking nominations for plenary speakers at the 2021 annual congress of the Australian Mathematical Society, to be held in Newcastle in early December 2021.
Ideally, plenary speakers should be eminent experts in their area of Mathematics, or in applications of Mathematics to other disciplines. They should also be good public speakers who can deliver an engaging talk to a non-specialist audience. Since we expect AustMS2021 to be held in person, the speaker should ideally be somebody who is likely to attend the conference in person in December 2021. We are seeking nominations for both domestic and international speakers.
The deadline for nominations is now Friday 27 November 2020.
All nominations must be submitted via the form at the following link: https://forms.gle/TG4AeV2hHfuno2gFA