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Asian-Oceanian Women in Mathematics

Asian-Oceanian Women in Mathematics

The Foundational Meeting of the Asian-Oceanian Women in Mathematics was held on 1st of August 2022. We publish the statement of the President Prof. Ole Warnaar supporting the initiative on behalf of AustMS.

Download the statement in a PDF file

1 August 2022

Re: Asian-Oceanian Women in Mathematics

On behalf of the members of the Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS), I would like to congratulate you all on the establishment of Asian-Oceanian Women in Mathematics and thank the many CWM Ambassadors who have worked hard to make today’s foundational meeting a reality.

Almost 10 years ago, an active group of members of AustMS founded WIMSIG (Women in Mathematics Special Interest Group) which, through its many activities, has had a significant positive impact on the position of women and other underrepresented groups in AustMS. It has been a driving force for cultural change within the discipline of mathematics in Australia and made the Society more inclusive and welcoming to all.

I have little doubt that over time AOWM will do the same for mathematics in our broader region to the benefit of not only women, but everyone who wishes to see
mathematics thrive.
AustMS looks forward to working with AOWM in the coming years and to supporting its agenda for change.

Once again, congratulations.

S. Ole Warnaar
President of AustMS


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