30 Sept 2020
Nominations are now sought for the ANZIAM Medal, which is the premier award of ANZIAM, a Division of the Australian Mathematical Society.
At most one award will be made annually, but only to a candidate of sufficient merit. The selection criteria for the award are:
1. Research achievements.
2. Activities enhancing applied or industrial mathematics, or both, AND
3. Contributions to ANZIAM.
Nominations for the award can be made by any member of ANZIAM other than the nominee. A nomination should consist of a brief CV of the nominee together with the nominee’s list of publications, a one page resumé of the significance of the nominee’s work, and no more than a one page resumé of the significance of the nominee’s work. Nominations should be forwarded in confidence, electronically in PDF format, to the Chair of the Selection Panel, Professor Peter Taylor (taylorpg@unimelb.edu.au) by 1 November 2020.
Further details of the application process and the award criteria are on the ANZIAM website: www.anziam.org.au/he+ANZIAM+medal.