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ANZIAM: The 2021 JH Michell Medal — Call for nominations

ANZIAM: The 2021 JH Michell Medal — Call for nominations

30 Sept 2020

ANZIAM logoIn honour of John Henry Michell, ANZIAM, a Division of the Australian Mathematical Society, has instituted an award for outstanding new researchers.

At most one award will be made annually, but only to a candidate of sufficient merit. No person can receive more than one such award. The selection criteria for the award are:

  1. The researcher must have carried out distinguished research in applied and/or industrial mathematics, where a significant proportion of the research work has been carried out in Australia and/or New Zealand; AND
  2. On 1 January in the year in which the AWARD is made, the recipient will be within the equivalent of the first ten years of their research-related career*, following the conferral of a PhD**; AND
  3. The researcher must have been a member of ANZIAM for at least the** three calendar years preceding the year in which the AWARD is made. Backdating of membership is not acceptable.


* Allowing for significant interruptions to research development, for example, parental duties, illness, career change. 

** Any exceptional circumstances should be forwarded to the Executive Committee to assess eligibility.


Nominations for the AWARD can be made by any member of ANZIAM other than the nominee. A nomination should consist of a brief CV of the nominee together with the nominee’s list of publications and no more than a one page resumé of the significance of the nominee’s work. Nominations should be forwarded in confidence, electronically in PDF format, to the Chair of the Selection Panel, Dr Alys Clark (alys.clark@auckland.ac.nz) by 1 November 2020

Further details of the application process and the award criteria are on the ANZIAM website: www.anziam.org.au/The+JH+Michell+Medal.


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