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2021 NSW ANZIAM branch meeting

2021 NSW ANZIAM branch meeting

The New South Wales branch of ANZIAM will hold a one-day mixed virtual and in person meeting (depending on circumstances, may end up purely online) on Friday the 26th of November at NUspace in Newcastle. The meeting will include our AGM.

The meeting will run from approximately 10am to 5.30pm (depending upon the number of speakers).

We are delighted to have Dr Christopher Lustri from Macquarie University, as our keynote speaker

There will be no registration fee.

If you wish to attend, please fill out the following form https://forms.gle/zSUdzaWJ4HkoimeD8 ASAP. 

If attending in person you must fill out the following form as well and present proof of double vaccination on the day.https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=nyxUhafqdE6JtaresYH-YMPY_b2B0jtCu0vbPBhEVSxUNU1VODFXRVhJRElVOVdTVlBIVkM5OTZCQS4u

Currently, the deadline for submission of abstracts is 5pm on Monday the 22nd of November.

Conference Dinner

There will be a conference dinner for those attending in person, please note whether you will be attending and any dietary requirements in the form.

Selection of Speakers

In the fortunate event that we are over-subscribed with speakers priority will first be given to students and ECR, with preference given to NSW ANZIAM members. If there are slots remaining for established researchers, preference will again be given to NSW ANZIAM members.

Student Prize

There will be a prize for the best student speaker.


Fillipe Georgiou and Kyle Stevens,
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Newcastle

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